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Principled Digital: Key Principles

10 MIN
FEB 21, 2021

We are regularly asked what Principled Digital is and why it serves as something of a motto for Shafran Agency. Basically, the Principled Digital concept is based on the thesis that principles are essential. The success of any endeavor depends on well-structured processes, accounting for almost 90% of the outcome. In this material, we will try to outline the key principles that make up our workflow, and the reasons why they work.


Work Tasks' Principle

Any outcome, from a school portfolio to launching a space shuttle, consists of a series of small steps that follow one another. The quality and timing of the entire process depend on how well these steps are thought out. The same applies to digital services: to create, for example, a website, one must go through many milestones (research, UX, concept, page design, copywriting, layout, QA, etc.).

Shafan Agency has clear processes and protocols written in the form of guides and available to all employees. At any given moment, we know at which stage the project is, and when one stage transitions to another.

Why it's important

All processes are interconnected. For example, without having a complete understanding of the project's goals and the market situation, you can't start prototyping, or else you'll end up spending many days correcting positioning errors. The same applies to copywriting—it's crucial to finalize the text during the prototyping stage because it affects the design.

By following a clear process that is understood by both employees and clients, we achieve optimal timing and maximum results.

Principle of Transparent Communication

We strive to build our business on the principles of open communication, meaning that all processes should be understood (and, if necessary, discussed or commented on) by both employees and clients. There are no "elephants in the room" in our agency, nor are there exaggerated promises or unfulfilled commitments.

Why it's important

Thanks to the principles of transparent communication, we can guarantee mutual understanding and constructive discussion of all aspects, from pricing to the appearance of a button. Both our team and our clients can always trust each other, simplifying communication and focusing on important aspects.


Progressive Growth Principle

At Shafan Agency, we care about the internal growth of our employees. The company has a grading system that allows any employee, whether a junior designer or a seasoned mid-level professional, to assess where they are and what skills they need to strengthen or what knowledge they need to acquire to advance to the next level.

Why it's important

This approach primarily allows our employees to continuously develop and enhance their professional skills. It also improves motivation and determination. By knowing which steps to take to progress in their careers, employees are more motivated to work towards their success and achieve new goals


Shared Knowledge Principle

We firmly believe that actively sharing knowledge and experience is crucial in our industry. When we share knowledge in the form of articles or case studies, we create opportunities for learning and development not only for our employees but also raise awareness across the entire industry. Sharing knowledge with other creative teams keeps us informed about the latest trends and best practices.

Why it's important

Sharing knowledge contributes to the overall growth of the company. Our employees collectively develop and enhance our processes, enabling us to become more competitive in the market. Additionally, the shared knowledge principle fosters the creation of an open and trusting atmosphere within the company. This helps strengthen our corporate culture and the bond among our employees.